Light and wallpaper colour walk hand in hand, although they’re a complex couple. Did you know that your wallpaper is as good as the light it’s exposed to? That’s right. However, the fact that light has never been and will never be consistent is perhaps the trickiest part. Also, how the light shines typically depends …
If you are in landscaping or you have a flower garden, you can spruce things up by adding some creative lighting to the space. Some of the popular options for lighting flower gardens include the use of lamps, draping the plants with string lights or use of spotlights. Here are some tips on what to …
Years of smoking inside your house can cause ceilings, upholstery, walls, and everything else to change colour. Lamps and lighting fixtures of all types can also become dirty or discoloured. The bad news is that the yellowish discolouration left behind by tobacco smoke may not be easy to clean; it is a real chore. Tobacco …
Lights and pictures can change the entire look of a room. The modern décor designs have effectively used these features to improve the looks of even the most basic spaces. You do not have to splurge or change a lot of things for it to work out. Some of the tips that you can use …
The foundation of having a good video call is ensuring that you have the proper lighting. Having the wrong lighting will make you look unprepared and unprofessional. In most instances, it could also be very distracting for the person you are talking to. Here are some tips on how to have the best lighting for …
If you are one of those people who has filled your home with beautiful antiques or other great features, you may want to draw attention to them when you have visitors. This way people will notice them without you having to actually point them out. This is where you can use clever lighting to make …
Women all over the world find cosmetic surgery enticing for a wide range of reasons. These procedures give women the chance to change the parts of their body that they are unhappy with. Whilst most people will be familiar with the physical benefits there are also psychological ones to consider. If someone were to augment …
More than ever, we are being encouraged to work from home, even if only on a temporary basis. Many full-time freelancers and entrepreneurs already have a home office, but setting up a workspace can be more challenging than you might think. Ultimately, you need a well-lit, well-ventilated area with appropriate decor, and preferably somewhere you …
When it comes to lighting your home, you do not have to stick with the main ceiling lights already there; you can be a little more creative than that. In most cases, that main ceiling light will be too strong, and for many people sitting in their living room in the evening, it will just …
Today, the use of lighting in the home is not just a necessary function. Still, it is often seen as part of the overall interior look. This has led to a rise in the manufacturing of some costly, delicate lighting options, such as intricate chandeliers. Having spent so much money, the last thing you need …